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Gassman — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alessandro Gassman (* 1965), italienischer Schauspieler, Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Vittorio Gassman (1922–2000), italienischer Schauspieler und Regisseur Siehe auch: Gassmann … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gassman — Gạssman, Vittorio, italienischer Schauspieler, Regisseur, Theaterleiter, * Genua 1. 9. 1922, ✝ Rom 29. 6. 2000; spielte in klassischen und modernen Dramen (besonders bekannt als Othello und in anderen Shakespeare Rollen). 1960 gründete er das… … Universal-Lexikon
Gassman (Dakota del Sur) — Gassman Territorio no organizado de los Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
Gassman indole synthesis — The Gassman indole synthesis is a series of chemical reactions used to synthesize substituted indoles from aniline.This is a one pot chemical reaction, and none of the intermediates are isolated. R1 can be hydrogen or alkyl, while R2 works best… … Wikipedia
Gassman, Vittorio — (1922 2000) Actor. Celebrated as Italy s greatest stage and screen actor of the postwar period, Gassman was born in Genoa but grew up in Rome. As a teenager he showed great promise as a basketball player but eventually the lure of the stage… … Guide to cinema
Gassman, Vittorio — (1922 2000) Actor. Celebrated as Italy s greatest stage and screen actor of the postwar period, Gassman was born in Genoa but grew up in Rome. As a teenager he showed great promise as a basketball player but eventually the lure of the stage… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Gassman, Vittorio — ▪ 2001 Italian actor and director (b. Sept. 1, 1922, Genoa, Italy d. June 29, 2000, Rome, Italy), epitomized the quintessential Italian leading man “tall, dark, and handsome” but his conventional good looks sometimes obscured his talent and… … Universalium
Gassman, Vittorio — • ГА СМАН (Gassman) Витторио (р. 1.9.1922) итал. режиссёр, актёр. Учился в рим. Академии драм, иск ва. В т ре с 1943. В 1948 49 в труппе под рук. Л. Висконти. С 1949 выступает как режиссёр т ра. В 1950 создал (с Т. Сальвини) собств. труппу Нац … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Gassman, Vittorio — ► (1922 2000) Actor y director de cine y teatro italiano. Interpretó y dirigió obras de dramaturgos clásicos y modernos, entre ellas Macbeth. Entre los galardones recibidos figuran: el Globo de Oro (1975) y el premio Príncipe de Asturias (1997) … Enciclopedia Universal
Vittorio Gassman — Portrait Données clés Naissance 1er … Wikipédia en Français